it is so frustrating to know that the perspective of people around you is changing when they found out the real you. it's like pain in your neck when they treat you in abnormal way... Yes, though you may know these people for such a long time and befriended them yet at the end of the story they tend to act like you're not worth to called as their friend. It is such a sad reality. Once, I have read a book written by Phillip Yancey that there was a prostitute woman who sells her daughter for a kinky sex in order to support her addiction. She was asked by Phillip if she ever thought of going to church but what the woman yelled instead, why the hell am I going to a church? I am already bad and they would just make me feel worst... How drastic it is that people shall say that they would accept you as what you are however, I may say that they just don't know the real meaning of the word, "ACCEPTANCE"... :(
This man got changed a lot because He has changed my heart from glory to glory into a new beginning. Someone who got pulled out from the pit to the garden of His being. A writer of His songs, a singer of His grace and love.